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   New Astronomy books are released throughout the year. We thumb through the catalogs to find the best new and upcoming titles for skywatchers.
  2025 Guide to the Night Sky
A month-by-month guide to exploring the skies above North America

by Storm Dunlop and Wil Tirion
112 pages, November 2024
Level: All

List Price: $13.99
Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
Average customer rating:

More info (Paperback): click here

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Available as a UK Edition (Britain and Ireland) at:

  • Amazon.co.uk (UK)

  • Available as a Southern Hemisphere Edition at:
  • Amazon.com (US)

  • Description: This is the ideal gift for beginners and experienced stargazers in the United States and Canada and has been updated to include new and practical information covering events occurring in North America's night sky throughout 2025.

    This practical guide is both an easy introduction to astronomy and a useful reference for seasoned stargazers. Now includes a section on comets and a map of the moon.

    Written and illustrated by astronomical experts, Storm Dunlop and Wil Tirion, and approved by the astronomers of the Royal Observatory Greenwich. Content includes:

    • Advice on where to start looking.
    • Easy-to-use star maps for each month with descriptions of what to see.
    • Positions of the moon and visible planets.
    • Details of objects and events in 2025.
    • Now in three editions: Britain and Ireland; North America; Southern Hemisphere.
    Amazon.com Customer Comment (2024 Edition): Great little book for backyard stargazers like me. Details moon phases, planets, and deep sky objects by month for north and south facing views. more»
    2024 Night Sky Almanac - A Month-by-Month Guide to North America's Skies from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada   2025 Night Sky Almanac
    A Month-by-Month Guide to North America's Skies from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

    by Nicole Mortillaro
    128 pages, August 2024

    List Price: $16.95
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Paperback): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: A portable guidebook for enjoying the night sky in 2025.

    The 2025 Night Sky Almanac is the ideal resource for both novice and experienced sky watchers in the United States and Canada, with all of the advice, information and data that enthusiasts need to understand and enjoy the wonders of the night sky.

    This in-depth guide first introduces readers to the objects in the sky -- from stars, to comets, to globular clusters -- and then takes them through the cosmic events to look out for each month in 2025, with sky maps, moon phase charts and info about the planets. The book also features:

    • Methods for using your hands to measure angles in the sky
    • Information about binoculars and telescopes
    • A glossary of terms
    • A list of helpful resources
    • Full color spreads of the monthly attractions
    This 2025 edition of Night Sky Almanac features eight additional pages of content, including more information about our visible universe, photos of different telescope types and a new section about asteroids.

    2025 Night Sky Almanac is both a comprehensive introduction to Astronomy and a quick reference book for more experienced sky watchers who don't want to miss a thing. Its compact size means it's perfect for taking on an "astro-vacation" or simply sky viewing in the backyard.

    The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) was founded ad hoc in 1868 and incorporated in 1890 with a dual membership of professionals and amateurs. It has 29 Canadian chapters and over 5,000 members. The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada is entering its 117th year of publication, and the RASC also produces a number of other publications and guidebooks.

    About the Author:
    Nicole Mortillaro is an avid amateur astronomer, author, editor, Senior Science Reporter for CBC News and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. She is the author of Saturn, and lives in Toronto, Canada.

    Nightwatch by Terence Dickinson   Nightwatch -- New 5th Edition (2023)
    A Practical Guide to Viewing the Universe

    by Terence Dickinson (Author), Ken Hewitt-White (Author), Richard Tresch Fienberg (Foreword)
    208 pages, 5th Edition, September 2023.
    Revised 5th Edition updated for use through 2035.
    Level: Beginner to Intermediate

    Highly Recommended

    List Price: $39.95
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Concealed Wiro-Bound Hardcover): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Stargazing enthusiasts of all levels of experience will discover much of value in an enduring reference conceived by one of the most respected names in amateur astronomy. This must-have Fifth Edition includes:
    • a comprehensive, all-season guide to the night sky
    • constellation charts covering both northern- and southern-hemisphere skies, making NightWatch a truly global resource
    • tips on choosing binoculars and telescopes and taking astrophotos
    • highlights of major features on the Moon to guide the budding lunar explorer
    • lists of solar and lunar eclipses, planet locations and the best lunar and planetary conjunctions to 2035
    • a range of resources for further study.
    As NightWatch, Terence Dickinson's classic stargazing guide, neared its 40th anniversary, Dickinson worked with a small group of trusted colleagues to give this groundbreaking reference an overhaul that will take it deep into the 21st century. Longtime astronomy writer and sky observer Ken Hewitt-White led the editorial team. A central aspect to this new edition is the subtle improvements to the unique seasonal star charts that present a 360-degree simulation of the night sky on one page and identify the stars and constellations on the facing page. Yet it is Dickinson's clear, jargon-free language that will continue to inspire hundreds of thousands of people around the world to take up recreational astronomy.

    Much has happened in this popular hobby since the revised Fourth Edition of NightWatch was published in 2006. In response, the text has been substantially revised and updated throughout all 13 chapters. Moreover, the book has been completely redesigned and most of its many photographs have been replaced. A noted feature is the variety of superb astrophotos of star clusters, nebulas, galaxies and other celestial phenomena taken by accomplished amateur astronomers. Lavishly illustrated sections on the Moon and planets will inspire novice observers of the solar system. To accommodate the extensive revisions, NightWatch has grown from 192 pages to 208 pages. With the release of the Fifth Edition, we are also launching a new website, NightWatchBook.com, that will offer links to additional resources and will be regularly updated with information on new celestial events and equipment.

    Since the First Edition of NightWatch was released in 1983, the most significant transformations in amateur astronomy have been in optics and technology. For all the latest on gadgets and gear, renowned astrophotographer Alan Dyer, Dickinson's coauthor of The Backyard Astronomer's Guide, has contributed an entirely new chapter on basic digital astrophotography. Dyer has also modernized a key portion of an enlarged chapter on stargazing equipment, creating a welcoming place in NightWatch for today's computerized telescopes.

    Amazon.com Customer Comment (previous edition): The overwhelming number of reviews for this book on Amazon is a testimonial to its stature as a classic introductory stargazing book. The fact that the reviews are uniformly positive testifies to its exceptional quality. Now in its fourth edition, Nightwatch has been introducing amateur astronomers to the night sky for over two decades. Terence Dickinson is a prolific astronomy author and this is one of his most important and enduring works. more»

    night sky almanac: a stargazer's guide to 2024   Night Sky Almanac
    A Stargazer's Guide to 2024

    by Royal Observatory Greenwich, Storm Dunlop and Wil Tirion
    272 pages, January 2024
    Level: All

    List Price: $14.95
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Hardcover): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk.

    Description: A beautiful gift for anyone interested in the night sky.

    Follow the progress of constellations throughout the seasons with this beautiful companion to the night sky from Astronomy experts Collins.

    With the aid of easy-to-understand monthly calendars and maps, you will chart the rhythm of the lunar phases, discover events that light up the sky for brief periods, and explore the rich tapestry of characters that adorn the starry canvas overhead. You can delve as deeply as you like, or follow your own favourite subject throughout the year.

    • Never miss a night sky event wherever you are in the world with this month-by-month guide
    • Go meteor spotting, track the phases of the moon and explore the constellations
    • Worldwide coverage -- with details for both the Northern and Southern hemispheres
    • Discover fascinating celestial facts and notable astronomical anniversaries
    Written and illustrated by astronomical experts, Storm Dunlop and Wil Tirion, and approved by the astronomers of the Royal Observatory Greenwich.

    About the Authors:
    Storm Dunlop is an experienced Astronomy and meteorology author and translator. Books include Gem Weather (Collins, 2012), Meteorology Manual (Haynes, 2014), Practical Astronomy (Philip's, 2012) and is the lead author for the bestselling annual Guide to the Night Sky (Collins). Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Royal Meteorological Society and a member of the International Astronomical Union.
    Wil Tirion is an award-winning astro-cartographer (uranographer). His work has appeared in dozens of atlases, books, and magazines. He lives in the Netherlands.

      Astronomical Calendar 2024
    by Guy Ottewell
    141 pages, August 2023
    Level: All

    List Price: $21.00
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Paperback): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: This is the revival of a famous book that was published for more than 40 years. The whole year's events in the night sky. Monthly spreads with sky domes and listing of nearly 600 events; sections on the Sun and seasons, the Moon, eclipses, occultations, each planet, asteroids, meteor showers; glossary of terms, full explanations. Many sky scenes, charts, and diagrams in full color, including 3-D views of space.

    The 2024 book is like the former ones but in more compact size (8.5 by 11 inches), so that there are more pages (141). The content is as vast as before: monthly spreads with listings of events (nearly 600 altogether) and sky dome and solar-sytem view; many sky scenes; sections on the Sun and seasons, the Moon, eclipses, occultations, each planet, asteroids, meteor showers; full explanation, and a glossary of terms. Unlike the former books, the 2024 book has full color. Yet it is $9 cheaper!.

    Reviewer: "The large Ottewell calendar deserves pride of place... a work of kinematics-made-vivid... a piece of original samizdat... Its author is a gifted artist... To his talented brush, his sense of form in space, and his apt and pithy choice of words, he has added a deft hand at the computer keyboard." -- Philip Morrison in Scientific American more»

    Exploring The Moon With Robert Reeves   Exploring The Moon With Robert Reeves
    Observing and Understanding Our Natural Satellite

    by Robert Reeves
    300 pages, 1st Edition, August 2023
    Level: Intermediate to Advanced

    List Price: $39.95
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Paperback or Hardcover): click here

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    Book Description: The Moon is a perfect urban backyard target for your telescope, visible most of the month and unaffected by light pollution. Through dozens of issues of Amateur Astronomy Magazine, Robert Reeves showed us that a look at the Moon through a telescope is much an exercise in cosmic art as it is science.

    In his new book Exploring the Moon with Robert Reeves, Robert helps the reader appreciate the Moon's beauty as well as the science of the Moon. Robert helps us see the Moon as both a mysterious world puzzled over in the past and a world full of promise for future exploration. Robert explains the nuances of the Moon and its varied geology to bring context to its face and give the Moon a personality, and making the Moon a valued nighttime friend. Features:

    • 300 pages
    • 422 illustrations
    • 22 full page illustrations
    • 8.5 x 11 inches
    Observer's Sky Atlas: The 500 Best Deep-Sky Objects With Charts and Images by Erich Karkoschka   Observer's Sky Atlas
    The 500 Best Deep-Sky Objects With Charts and Images

    by Erich Karkoschka
    144 pages, 4th Edition (Updated and in Full Color), March 2023
    Level: All

    List Price: $39.95
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Lay-Flat Hardcover with Printed Spine): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Book Description: Now expanded and in full color, and useful to 2060!
    Sample Pages: Page 26 | Page 98

    This tremendous new edition of a classic book (previously published only in black-and-white) contains star charts and pictures, for all those who observe the night sky with unaided eyes, binoculars or telescopes. It is equally useful for beginners and experienced old hands at astronomy.

    A legend among hobby astronomers, this entirely revised and updated edition has new celestial maps in full color, up-to-date data from the Gaia spacecraft and unique comparison images of most visible celestial objects. Sixty-one all-new star charts are good through 2060, and there are 532 pictures of stars, galaxies and nebulae, 415 of them in full color.

    Very detailed position figures help the astronomer navigate the charts and accurately pinpoint objects for viewing -- and knowing what you're seeing.

    The hobby astronomer can use it to find star clusters, gaseous nebulae and galaxies throughout the night sky. Quick orientation is guaranteed, and intermediate astronomers can really enjoy the night sky for hours and hours by knowing where to locate the objects of their interest.

    Amazon.com Customer Comment (3rd Edition): Looks small and unimpressive, but WOW! By far the most useful single sky guide I've found. What makes it special? First, the trick of showing additional detail and fainter stars for only selected areas of the sky, along with full-sky coverage of brighter stars. more»

    Duplex Moon Atlas by Ronald Stoyan   Duplex Moon Atlas
    The Next Generation Lunar Atlas

    by Ronald Stoyan
    80 pages, 1st Edition, November 2022
    Level: Intermediate to Advanced

    List Price: $49.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Wire-O Binding, Laminated): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Skymaps Recommendation: The Duplex Moon Atlas has quickly gained a reputation as one of if not the best lunar atlas for visual exploration at the telescope. The use of high-resolution images and their presentation in duplex form on laminated pages, plus many other features, makes this a great atlas for all lunar observers. It's our Number 1 choice in this category.

    Book Description: The Duplex Moon Atlas is the ultimate tool for those observing the lunar surface. The new concept combines a number of unique features:

    • Two separate sections for users of refractors with star diagonal and reflectors
    • Based on a high-resolution digital model rather than photos or drawings
    • 38 charts of the whole lunar nearside with consistent shadow setting
    • Eight additional charts of areas of the lunar farside which earthbound observers can see in favourable libration conditions
    • 1261 named main features, including all named craters, mountains, valleys, hills, and rilles of the lunar nearside
    • About 6000 secondary craters to 10° of the nearside's rim
    • All impact and landing sites of human spacecraft ever to touch the lunar surface
    • Alphabetical index of all features and sites
    The Duplex Moon Atlas is based on the high-resolution digital Wide Angle Mosaic (WAC) by the camera on board the NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) satellite, which consists of 1300 individual images with a resolution of 145m per pixel.

    The Duplex Moon Atlas is designed to be used at the eyepiece. The colours are optimised for usage with a red torch at night. Atlas pages are printed to the margin and with the wire-o binding, pages can be spread out easily. Printed on laminated paper, dew wipes off easily, and the atlas will last a long time.

    Amazon.com Customer Comment: Excellent atlas, describes itself as "The Next Generation Lunar Atlas" and IMHO lives up to that statement. more»

      National Geographic Stargazer's Atlas
    The Ultimate Guide to the Night Sky

    by Andrew Fazekas and National Geographic
    432 pages, October 2022
    Level: All

    List Price: $65.00
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Hardcover): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Richly illustrated with luminous photographs and informative maps and graphics, this expansive book is the perfect guide for everyone discovering the wonders of the night sky, from those just learning the constellations to dedicated telescope observers.

    Combining science, exploration, and storytelling, National Geographic Stargazer's Atlas invites readers to roam the night sky for constellations, planets and moons, eclipses, comets and meteor showers, auroras, and deep-sky treasures including nebulae and galaxies?many visible to the naked eye and all with binoculars or a backyard telescope.

    Beginning with basic space science and including a complete set of night sky maps for all four seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, this fascinating book guides the reader toward the most rewarding observations. A unique chapter on astrotourism highlights ancient observatories, dark-sky preserves, and other global destinations for the sky-seeking traveler; a final chapter details current and future space missions and what they might discover.

    Richly illustrated with awe-inspiring imagery including photos from space missions and telescopes, science-based artists' interpretations, and explanatory graphics the book also contains 170 maps and charts of planets, moons, and constellations, from Earth's moon to moons of Saturn. Practical advice throughout helps readers see what they have been reading about, building key observational skills such as "star hopping" from easy-to-find stars to fainter deep-sky objects and focusing on "deep sky treasures" areas rich in observable phenomena.

    Approachable and authoritative, gorgeous and fascinating, National Geographic Stargazer's Atlas will intrigue all who love to gaze up in wonder at the night sky and find themselves wanting to know more.

    Amazon.com Customer Comment: Visually rich information and advice for stargazers. more»

      A Child's Introduction to Space Exploration
    An Explorer's Guide to Rockets, Astronauts, and Life in Zero Gravity

    by Michael E. Bakich, David J. Eicher and Chelen Ecija (illustrator)
    96 pages, September 2022
    Level: Kids Aged 8-12

    List Price: $19.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Hardcover): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Get ready to blast off into the space! This interactive, fact-filled book by two space experts takes kids aged 8-12 on a journey through the universe with answers to all their questions on space exploration--from what the first rockets looked like and the first animal in space to what space food tastes like and what it's like to live in zero gravity.

    We are living in a golden age of astronomy and space exploration, with more discoveries about the universe every day. With so many possibilities now open to us, revered science writers Michael E. Bakich and David J. Eicher will take young readers on a journey to the throughout the universe in this latest edition of A Child's Introduction series.

    Perfect for budding explorers aged 8-12, Bakich and Eicher explore the history of space exploration from the very first rocket in China, to the moon landing, to the latest missions to Mars (and beyond). They also include profiles of noteworthy scientists, engineers, and astronauts including Isaac Newton, Neil Armstrong, Mae Carol Jemison; fun sections on space food, UFOs, a timeline of space suits, and how to go to the bathroom in space; and STEM experiments like how to build your own rocket and how to tell time using the sun.

    Packed with dozens of NASA photos and charming original illustrations, and a pull-out poster, this fascinating book reveals the wonders of space exploration -- past, present and future!

    The Deep-sky Imaging Primer   The Deep-Sky Imaging Primer
    by Charles Bracken
    280 pages, 3rd Edition, May 2022
    Level: Intermediate to Advanced

    List Price: $49.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Paperback): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Book Description: Thousands of people learned astrophotography from the first two editions, now The Deep-Sky Imaging Primer has been fully revised and expanded in this third edition. It has been updated to include the latest cameras, technology, and software. Everything you need to know about capturing and processing stunning images of deep-sky objects is covered. You'll learn about:

  • The fundamental principles of electronic cameras, optics, and mounts
  • How to choose the best camera and telescope for you
  • How to set up, choose exposure parameters, and take the images
  • Where and when to find the best deep-sky objects
  • How to process images. In addition to PixInsight and Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo and AstroPixelProcessor are now fully covered.
  • Start-to-finish examples of image processing are included, with a focus on PixInsight. The book is 280 pages with 373 illustrations, printed in full-color.

    The Secret World of Stargazing: Find solace in the stars   The Secret World of Stargazing
    Find solace in the stars

    by Adrian West
    224 pages, April 2022
    Level: Beginner

    List Price: $22.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Hardcover): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk.

    Description: The Secret World of Stargazing is the ultimate astronomy book to set you on your epic journey around the cosmos - it's a simple guide to the skies and makes stargazing fun, easy and enjoyable for all - absolutely no equipment is required! Adrian West, aka the Internet sensation VirtualAstro, will take you through the seasons, showing you exactly what you can spot in the sky throughout the year, whether you're in your back garden or sitting on an exotic beach somewhere! While you're learning how to spot constellations, meteors and comets, you will be switching off your busy mind, sitting still in nature and paying attention to the small details that make up the big picture of life. You'll finish reading this beautiful book and come away with a sense of grounding, connection, knowledge and a whole new appreciation of the sky above and the world outside your own - it will soothe your soul.

    About the Author:
    Adrian West is an astronomer with over 30 years' experience. Better known as Virtual Astro, he has one of the largest independent astronomy and space accounts on social media. He's passionate about the night sky and inspiring people to look up.

    Adrian has written many astronomy and space related articles for various online science magazines. Adrian runs Sky Tours for the National Trust and has also written guides and articles for the BBC, Met office and National Trust. The Night Sky show is Adrian's sell out theatre show that takes the audience on an epic journey across the cosmos.

    Amazon.com Customer Comment: Really well written, with no deep science, perfect for young and old to read and thoroughly enjoy! Recommended read! more»

    The Backyard Astronomer's Guide   The Backyard Astronomer's Guide
    by Terence Dickinson (author), Alan Dyer (author), and Sara Seager (foreword)
    416 pages, 4th Edition, September 2021
    Level: Beginner to Intermediate

    Highly Recommended

    List Price: $49.95
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    The Contents Pages: Click Here

    More info (Hardcover): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Book Description: This classic, groundbreaking guide has been the go-to field guide for both beginning and experienced amateur astronomers for nearly 30 years. The fourth edition brings Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer's invaluable manual completely up-to-date. Setting a new standard for astronomy guides, it will serve as the touchstone for the next generation of stargazers as well as longtime devotees.

    Technology and astronomical understanding are evolving at a breathtaking clip, and to reflect the latest information about observing techniques and equipment, this massively revised and expanded edition has been completely rebuilt (an additional 48 pages brings the page count to 416). Illustrated throughout with all-new photographs and star charts, this edition boasts a refreshed design and features five brand-new chapters, including three essential essays on binocular, telescope and Moon tours by renowned astronomy writer Ken Hewitt-White.

    With new content on naked-eye sky sights, LED lighting technology, WiFi-enabled telescopes and the latest advances in binoculars, telescopes and other astronomical gear, the fourth edition of The Backyard Astronomer's Guide is sure to become an indispensable reference for all levels of stargazers. New techniques for observing the Sun, the Moon and solar and lunar eclipses are an especially timely addition, given the upcoming solar eclipses in 2023 and 2024. Rounding out these impressive offerings are new sections on dark sky reserves, astro-tourism, modern astrophotography and cellphone astrophotography, making this book an enduring must-have guide for anyone looking to improve his or her astronomical viewing experience.

    The Backyard Astronomer's Guide also features a foreword by Dr. Sara Seager, a Canadian-American astrophysicist and planetary scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an internationally recognized expert in the search for exoplanets.

    Amazon.com Customer Comment: After having this book for a couple of months, I can honestly say that it is one of my most prized astronomy possessions. I cannot think of any case where I got so much really useful information about a subject that I love for so little money. more»

      Astronomy Activity Book for Kids
    100+ Fun Ways to Learn About Space and Stargazing

    by Aurora Lipper (author) and Victoria Stebleva (illustrator)
    160 pages, September 2021
    Level: Ages 5 to 7

    List Price: $13.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Paperback): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Explore planets, stars, and constellations with this "out of this world" educational activity book for kids ages 5 to 7

    Space is awesome, and we can explore a lot of it from right here on Earth using our eyes, binoculars, and telescopes. In this interactive activity book, kids ages 5 to 7 get to be astronomers! Former NASA scientist Aurora Lipper leads an exciting journey through space, beginning with a tour of the planets and moons in our solar system. Next, kids visit the constellations and then zoom through the far reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. Along the way, they'll find amazing facts about the starry skies and get to color and draw, connect dots, find hidden objects, and have fun with word puzzles while improving math and reading skills.

    Astronomy Activity Book for Kids features:

    • 90+ educational activities: On-page games and cool facts about space allow for fun, independent learning
    • Simple stargazing projects: Learn how to find the Big Dipper, view meteor showers, and more with just the eyes, binoculars, or a small telescope
    • Easy and exciting to read: Beautiful space illustrations and simple explanations written for early readers

    About the Author:
    Former NASA scientist Aurora Lipper is an astronomer, pilot, and busy mom of four. She runs Supercharged Science and teaches thousands of elementary school kids worldwide through her online classes and in-person science workshops. She is also president of the Central Coast Astronomical Society in California and a member of the Society of Women Engineers.

    Amazon.com Customer Comment: Brought this with a telescope for my 6 year old granddaughter. It has really captured her imagination and she is enjoying the interactive pages. more»

    110 Things to See With a Telescope - The World's Most Famous Stargazing List   110 Things to See With a Telescope
    The World's Most Famous Stargazing List

    by John Read with Chris Vaughan
    142 pages, August 2021

    List Price: $25.00
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Paperback): click here
    More info (Hardcover): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: This book and a telescope are all you need to find, view, and record your observations of the most popular stargazing targets. But what makes this list so famous? Over 200 years ago, the French comet hunter Charles Messier published a list of fuzzy, comet-like objects he saw through his telescope. To him, they were a nuisance. We now know them as star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies! Modern astronomers later expanded his list from 103 to 110 objects -- and they're some of the finest celestial sights to explore with your backyard telescope, especially after you're ready to move beyond the Moon and planets. This book is your guide to seeing each deep sky object in Messier's list -- plus a complete how-to for budding astronomers.

    Finding the 110 Messier objects has never been easier! We provide a star map for each target plus written directions for how to find it by star-hopping, an "eyepiece view" image to confirm you're seeing it, observing tips from two veteran stargazers, and interesting facts. We also highlight additional nearby objects.

    These objects are presented in their recommended viewing order -- either by season, or during an all-night marathon! Each page contains an observation log so you can track your progress, and later apply for a Messier Observing Certificate from the Astronomical League and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Certificate Application instructions are provided in the appendix of the book.

    About the Authors:
    John Read is a telescope operator at the Burke-Gaffney Observatory and a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC). In 2020, he graduated with an undergraduate degree in astrophysics from Saint Mary's University and was presented with an RASC award for Excellence in Science Communication.

    Chris Vaughan is an award-winning Astronomer and Earth Scientist with a lifelong passion for visual observing. He operates the David Dunlap Observatory's 74-inch telescope, volunteers for RASC, and visits schools with his Digital Starlab planetarium. His Astronomy Skylights blog at www.AstroGeo.ca is read worldwide, and he is a regular contributor to SkyNews magazine, Space.com, and popular astronomy apps.

      Tales of the Night Sky
    Revealing the Mythologies and Folklore Behind the Constellations

    by Robin Kerod
    128 pages, September 2020
    Level: All

    List Price: $19.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating:

    More info (Hardcover): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Tales of the Night Sky shines fresh light on the mythological meaning and cultural significance of constellations, and includes a beautiful 18 x 24-inch poster illustrating 33 of the best-known among them.

    Astronomer and ordained ex-zen monk offers a modern approach to stargazing that reflects growing interest in popular and accessible science through mindfulness. Through a mix of both scientific fact and meditative insight, discover how the mysteries of the twinkly skies can connect us all more deeply to our inner selves. Noticing the bright constellations in the night skies above can foster a sense of curiosity, awe, and deep interconnection like nothing else on Earth.

    For each of the constellations, discover:

    • Philosophy and lifestyle advice learned from the origin of the constellation
    • Myths and cultural connections of the constellation
    • Celestial events that occur annually
    • The deep sky objects contained in the constellation, including nebulae and star clusters
    The stars and planets have been a constant source of fascination since the earliest times, and different cultures have tried to explain the existence of these heavenly bodies with a host of myths and legends. This book explains the folklore behind the names and shows how to locate the constellations in the night sky. The quest to discover the secrets in the night skies speaks to something deep in human nature. Become part of the resurgence in the lost art of "reading nature," to connect both with nature and also with the intuition, traditions, and wisdom of ancient cultures.

    The Practical Astronomer - Explore the Wonders of the Night Sky   The Practical Astronomer
    Explore the Wonders of the Night Sky

    by Will Gater
    264 pages, 3rd Edition, November 2020

    List Price: $24.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Discover the wonders of the Universe with this complete introduction to observing and understanding the night sky.

    his practical guide explains and demystifies stargazing, teaching you to recognize different kinds of objects and showing you how they move through the sky over the course of the night and the year. It shows you how to understand and enjoy the cosmos, building your practical astronomy skills from the basics to more advanced techniques.

    Beginning with an explanation of the Universe itself--how big is it, what shape is it, how old is it, and will it end?--it then takes you on a tour around the night sky, building up your knowledge in simple stages. Practical advice begins with naked-eye observations, then illustrated step-by-step instructions show you how to set up and use binoculars and telescopes and how to take your own pictures of the night sky. It also lets you take a closer look at the different objects you can view in the night sky, telling you how to train your eye to recognize basic patterns of stars (constellations) and how to tell planets apart from other celestial bodies, showing you how to observe them in an innovative step-by-step way. An atlas of the night sky is also included, with charts that can be used in both the northern and southern hemispheres throughout the year.

    Accessible, inspirational, and authoritative, The Practical Astronomer will enthuse and inform anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of the night sky.

    About the Authors:
    Will Gater is an Astronomy journalist and author. He has written for several of the UK's top Astronomy and science magazines and promotes both of these subjects with frequent appearances on television and radio, including the BBC's Sky at Night.
    Anton Vamplew is a freelance astronomer. As well as writing about astronomy in books and magazine articles, he has worked at the Royal Greenwich Observatory and has made regular broadcasts on BBC television and radio.

    The Mysteries of the Universe - Discover the best-kept secrets of space   The Mysteries of the Universe
    Discover the best-kept secrets of space

    by Will Gater
    224 pages, September 2020

    List Price: $19.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description:From planets and asteroids to black holes and galaxies, every page will captivate young readers as they journey through the vastness of space.

    Each celestial body is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images.

    Engaging storybook-style descriptions of each object allow readers to delve into myths, legends, trivia, and key discoveries about the solar system and beyond. Wonder at the rocky rings around Saturn, discover the tale behind the constellation Centaurus, and gaze at the fountains gushing from Jupiter's moon Enceladus. With reference pages packed with fascinating information, you'll go away knowing something you didn't before, and you'll return time and again.

    An attractive gift for children who can't get enough of astronomy, The Mysteries of the Universe is perfect for kids to explore by themselves or for bedtime stories.

    About the Author:
    Will Gater is an Astronomy journalist and author. He has written for several of the UK's top Astronomy and science magazines and promotes both of these subjects with frequent appearances on television and radio, including the BBC's Sky at Night.

    Amazon.com Customer Comment: This book contains awe-inspiring photos and illustrations and the space topics are broad. It aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) nicely for those grades that study space and can easily be incorporated into the classroom as supplemental reading at all levels. more»

    Pocket Sky Atlas (PSA)   Pocket Sky Atlas -- New Edition due in August 2020
    by Roger W. Sinnott
    136 pages, 2nd Edition, August 2020
    Level: Intermediate
    Size: 9.2 x 6.8 inches

    List Price: $24.95
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
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    More info (Jumbo Edition): click here
    More info (Kindle Edition): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Perfect for beginners and experienced stargazers alike, Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas is your go-to celestial reference!

    Sky & Telescope's celestial atlases are the standard by which all other star atlases have been judged for more than half a century. Our Pocket Sky Atlas is no exception. This wonderfully detailed atlas is particularly handy to take on trips and use at the telescope, thanks to its compact size, convenient wire-bound design, and easy-to-read labels. To help you find your way, the charts show both constellation boundaries and stick figures.

    By popular request, two special new lists are included in this second edition. One is a table of the atlas's 53 stars of unusual reddish hue (also known as carbon stars), and the charts where they are found. The other is a list of 24 nearby stars, with their distances in light-years and the charts showing their locations. All can easily be spotted in small telescopes.


    • 80 charts with 10 close-up charts
    • More than 30,000 stars individually sized according to their relative brightness
    • 1,500 deep-sky objects color-coded by type, including 675 galaxies oriented as they are in the sky
    • Labels legible even in dim light
    • Fits in a daypack or briefcase, so you need never leave home without it
    • Includes nearest stars and carbon stars
    The regular and Jumbo versions of the Pocket Sky Atlas are identical in content. They have the same 80 main charts and the same 10 close-up charts, differing in page size alone. The choice is yours!

    Amazon.com Customer Comment: Roger W. Sinnott's Pocket Sky Atlas fills a big void and vital niche -- one that emphasises portability, usability and practicality. Everything in this little volume is extremely well thought out -- from the quality of the book, the practical spiral bound layout, the scale of the star maps, clear and readable printing, intelligent and helpful labelling of stars and deep sky objects, to a pure user friendly feel. more»

    Jumbo Pocket Sky Atlas (JPSA)   Pocket Sky Atlas: Jumbo Edition -- New Edition due in August 2020
    by Roger W. Sinnott
    136 pages, 2nd Edition, August 2020
    Level: Intermediate
    Size: 11.9 x 9 inches

    List Price: $41.95
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
    Average customer rating: (2016 Edition)

    More info (Jumbo Edition): click here
    More info (Pocket Edition): click here
    More info (Kindle Edition): click here

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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Perfect for beginners and experienced stargazers alike, Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas -- Jumbo Edition will be your favorite celestial reference!

    Sky & Telescope's celestial atlases are the standard by which all other star atlases have been judged for more than half a century. Our Pocket Sky Atlas -- Jumbo Edition is one of our favorites. This wonderfully detailed atlas is particularly handy to take on trips and use at the telescope, thanks to its larger size, convenient wire-bound design, and easy-to-read labels. To help you find your way, the charts show both constellation boundaries and stick figures.

    By popular request, two special new lists are included in this second edition. One is a table of the atlas's 53 stars of unusual reddish hue (also known as carbon stars), and the charts where they are found. The other is a list of 24 nearby stars, with their distances in light-years and the charts showing their locations. All can easily be spotted in small telescopes.


    • 80 charts with 10 close-up charts
    • More than 30,000 stars individually sized according to their relative brightness
    • 1,500 deep-sky objects color-coded by type, including 675 galaxies oriented as they are in the sky
    • Labels legible even in dim light
    • Fits in a daypack or briefcase, so you need never leave home without it
    • Includes nearest stars and carbon stars
    The regular and Jumbo versions of the Pocket Sky Atlas are identical in content. They have the same 80 main charts and the same 10 close-up charts, differing in page size alone. The choice is yours!

    100 Things to See in the Night Sky, Expanded Edition - Your Illustrated Guide to the Planets, Satellites, Constellations, and More   100 Things to See in the Night Sky, Expanded Edition
    Your Illustrated Guide to the Planets, Satellites, Constellations, and More

    by Dean Regas
    256 pages, June 2020

    List Price: $21.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Discover the amazing wonders of the night sky with this expanded edition to 100 Things to See in the Night Sky, perfect for every amateur stargazer and armchair astronomer!

    Keep your feet on the ground and experience the night sky to the fullest by exploring planets, satellites, and constellations with this all-inclusive reference guide to space. 100 Things to See in the Night Sky, Expanded Edition is full of information on the many amazing things you can see with a telescope, or just your naked eye!

    From shooting stars to constellations and planets to satellites, this book gives you a clear picture of what you can see on any given night. Learn about the celestial bodies that have captured people's imaginations for centuries, with specific facts alongside traditional myths and beautifully illustrated photographs and star charts that will help you know where to look for the best view.

    With this illuminating guide, you'll enjoy hours of stargazing, whether you're travelling, camping, sitting in your back yard, or simply flipping through the beautiful images in this book.

    About the Author:
    Dean Regas is the astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory and cohost of the syndicated television program Star Gazers. His writing has appeared in Astronomy magazine, Sky & Telescope magazine, and HuffPost, and in 2017 he began a podcast called Looking Up. Dean is the author of Facts from Space!, 100 Things to See in the Night Sky (Northern Hemisphere edition) and 100 Things to See in the Night Sky (Sourthern Hemisphere edition).

    Galaxies - Inside the Universe's Star Cities   Galaxies
    Inside the Universe's Star Cities

    by David J. Eicher
    256 pages, May 2020

    List Price: $30.00
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: Tour the incredible scope of the cosmos as we know it with the editor in chief of Astronomy magazine, featuring jaw-dropping illustrations and full-color photography from the magazine's archives, much of it never before published.

    "The natural history of the galaxies is majestic and deserves its own David Attenborough. In David Eicher, it may have just found him." -- Richard Dawkins

    Journey to the edges of our galaxy and beyond with one of the most widely recognized astronomy experts as your guide. Delve into the history of stargazing and space observation, learn how black holes power galaxies, and understand the classification of the different galaxy types. This illuminating book -- with artful illustrations and never-before-seen space photography -- will open your mind to the wonders of the universe that await.

    About the Author:
    David J. Eicher is one of the most widely recognized astronomy enthusiasts in the world. He is editor in chief of Astronomy magazine and of the international Asteroid Day project. He has also written shows for the Adler Planetarium and for NASA, and is the coauthor, with Brian May, of Mission Moon 3-D and the author of The New Cosmos. In addition to appearances on CNN, Fox News, and NPR, Dave regularly lectures on science and astronomy at Harvard University, the Starmus Festival, and the American Museum of Natural History.

    Luna Cognita - A Comprehensive Observer�s Handbook of the Known Moon   Luna Cognita
    A Comprehensive Observer's Handbook of the Known Moon

    by Robert A. Garfinkle
    1680 pages, February 2020

    List Price: $89.99
    Amazon Price: Click Here & Save
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    Also available at: Amazon.co.uk (UK)

    Description: All three volumes sold as a combined set for a one-time purchase! This comprehensive three-volume set takes you on an incomparable journey of our closest celestial neighbor. Not since the golden age of 19th-century lunar guidebooks has one author managed to cover the Moon in such detail as this all-in-one handbook.

    Volume 1 begins with a section on the Moon's place in human history, mythology and lore, before gravitating closer to the Moon itself through scientific sections on the Earth-Moon system, lunar motions and cycles. Following these are technical chapters on how to purchase, use and care for lunar observing and photography equipment. Techniques for observing the Moon (both with the naked eye and optical instruments) are detailed as the reader approaches the Moon's surface on this visual tour-de-force.

    A close-up exploration of the Moon is the result. The "crater-hop" chapters in Volumes 1 and 2 discuss the physical aspects of the Moon's features, offering brief biographical information on the person for whom the feature is named, as well as how each individual was involved in the development of science and selenography from ancient to modern times. Volume 3 contains a plethora of useful appendices that cover a range of topics, from catalogues of lunar features such as nearside lunar domes to a comprehensive list of publishers and observing organizations.

    Luna Cognita goes far beyond any recent work in both breadth and depth of coverage on the Moon. Written in an accessible, engaging manner for readers of all backgrounds and levels of expertise, this handbook is thus an invaluable resource for anybody who looks up at the glowing sphere in the night sky and wants to learn more about the "Known Moon."

    Amazon.com Customer Comment: This is the most comprehensive work on the moon yet. The detail and descriptions are wonderful. If you enjoy seriously observing and understanding the moon, this is a must have for your library! more»

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